Friday, July 22, 2011

Moving and Texting

Hi. I texted you a couple of weeks ago about going to MaryJo's when I was in town to move, only I don't think you got the text. Or it could be that you chose not to respond since my
message also included that I was going to purchase every color possible (or every color I didn't already have) in the dimple fabric collection. 

View Details I tried to copy and paste every color they had at MaryJos but I am not astute enough in  the technology world to do so. Come and see me if you can or I'll come down to see you. I leave on Wednesday evening and return the following Wednesday afternoon- the movers are coming Monday or Tuesday. I believe I can find time in the midst of packing to have an adventure with you. xoxo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Looking for Fabric

So I'm looking for some fabric..what else is new?...that looks like the quilt in this picture.

It's for a very special baby being born in September. If you see anything close to it, will you let me know???

Sunday, June 5, 2011

More Beetle Bop 2011

Day 2
Our first stop after some caffeine loading...

No words are necessary! I do believe that fabric was purchased.

We the went across the street and around the corner to what we affectionately call "Moda Land". If it's Moda and you want it, this is the place! They have some other fabric too, but being the lover of all things Moda that I am, this is the Mecca!

See those fabrics in the picture. Lauren treated herself to some of the Christmas fabric in front

 and I treated myself to a lot of the fabric in the back.

Finished quilts will be posted soon, I'm sure!
Following our day of fabric shopping we managed to squeeze in some eating and some sewing.

We slept peacefully that night with visions of new quilts dancing in our heads!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Annual Beetle Bop 2011

I had so much fun with you on my recent visit. Hopefully we can keep this Beetle Bop going. This post is picture heavy but how else can you revisit all the good times?

Day One
It all started Monday afternoon once I got there and after I grabbed a quick bite to eat. The Bop was on!
First shop we had a lot to offer but we weren't quite ready to commit.

So we jumped into the Beetle and kept shopping bopping!
A while later we arrived in Waxhaw at The Quilting Nook.  Look there's a sale! Unfortunately for us, it was Monday so two of the places we would have liked to go were closed. One of which was the quilt store having a sale and the knitting shop. Thankfully, we did manage to find something to eat.

I have to say that Waxhaw is a charming town and I would love to go back on another day of the week!
Believe it or not, we managed to squeeze in one more stop. If I'm not mistaken, there may have been some fabric purchases made here.  QBee Quilts in's a great shop with wonderful, knowledgeable ladies working there.

There was eating, there was drinking, there was quilt planning, there was a little Dancing With the Stars, there was sewing and I do believe that even Stella was worn out by the end of the night!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lots of Guests Here at the B & B

Hey Lauren,
I had a minute between guests here at the B & B and I wanted to say hi.
We just spent a lovely week with our grandson and his fabulous parents. They did the touristy things that guests do and we got lots of hugs and kisses. We're now waiting for my Mom to come for a visit. I've already got a list of things we are going to do and hopefully she will have a good time.
Look what was outside the front door this morning when I went out to spruce things up a bit....

Needless to say, the front door area did not get spruced up at all!
I quilted two quilts last week on the longarm...that machine is like magic!
Here's one that's been hanging in the closet for awhile.
and a close up of the quilting.
I also managed to finish the quilt for my sister, which I'm going to give to her today after she drops Mom off 
and the quilting
That makes three finished quilts this month! I'm ahead!
We have to go back for more training on the longarm sometime in May. I hope it's not the same time that you're coming this way!
How are things with you?

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Love Fabric!

Where did you unearth that note? I faintly remember writing that..I believe it was on one of our trips to Mary Jo's. Seven years have gone by since I wrote that and my fabric buying philosophy hasn't changed one bit! I love fabric..even the fabric I don't really need. I still try to buy something I don't need as often as possible!
Okay, so I've been down to Florida to be trained on the Gammill Optima quilting machine.
I wasn't able to ride down in the Winnebago with my fellow training partners but I did get to stay overnight with one of them and her husband. They very kindly let me share their studio condo for the evening. Here's a rough picture of what that looked like.
They could not have been nicer to me but I don't think any of us got sleep that night...I know I didn't! We are supposed to go back and get more training and I'm racking my brain for a reason (as if I needed one..can you say sleep) to get a hotel room! The Gammill is great fun. It's only been a week and I've been able to play with it a little. I'm planning on actually doing one of my quilts this week.

What's that being quilted? You guessed it...I finished my March "must be quilted" project. Who cares that it was the beginning of April before that happened. It's done!
I've already picked put my April project so hope to get started on that soon.

Since I finished one thing I gave myself permission to start a couple of things. I found this cute American Jane pattern and decided that it would great in all that 30's fabric we collected oh so long ago. I've got the pieces cut out and am ready to sew.
And a really fun, quick project that has taken me two days to cut and make all the blocks. I just need to add two borders and then it's done and ready to be quilted. I'll post the pattern info when I find it.

Your Rattlesnake quilting looks awesome!
 A couple of questions for you...
How is your FoOt? Did you drive yourself to the ER?