Saturday, January 8, 2022

 Staying home and quilting along from a long way away

Happy New Year!!

I was anxious to start this quilt along with you but needed to finish the 800  3 1/2" square in a square blocks that I was making for my quilt guild's mystery quilt. Okay so it wasn't 800, only 80 but it felt like 800. They're done!

I was surprised when I got the next clue this morning and found out I need to make 80 of this clue too! Making 80 of the same thing is not my favorite! Next time I tell you I'm making a mystery quilt please remind me of this one.

Yesterday I finally got a chance to pull out the fabric and directions for the Let's Stay Home Quilt that we both have. I even cut out all the fabric for the sawtooth stars. Oh, by the way, thanks for not outing the person who in a mid-afternoon "I need to buy something" accidentally purchased two kits. In my mind, I knew we would come to this place in time and do this together! Not really, but thanks for taking one off my hands!

Today I started working on the sawtooth stars and and between a lot of other things got one finished. I know it doesn't look finished but this is the only picture I took.

Tomorrow is another day and I'll probably finish the rest of the sawtooth stars, cut out and finish the rest of the quilt. You're not here so we can't race but I need to represent! 😂

Did I tell you that I got myself a yarn advent calendar for Christmas? It's this great idea where you get 24 mini-skeins of yarn and open one a day leading up to Christmas. This year the theme I chose was a Gilmore Girls Advent calendar. Each mini-skein has a quote from the series and the colorway is inspired by the quote, as in, "Oy with the poodles already!" Coffee bean flavored candles were also included.  I'll take a picture so you can see it in all it's time! 

I hope your new year has started in a positive way even with the omnicron floating around. Please take care of yourself! 💓

Oh yeah, thanks for doing all that research!