Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Looking for Fabric

So I'm looking for some fabric..what else is new?...that looks like the quilt in this picture.

It's for a very special baby being born in September. If you see anything close to it, will you let me know???


  1. I just saw this posting and I have some fabric that is very, very close to the print that is inside the crib- I think I got it at MaryJo's-I can't think of where else i got it so you could send your photo and see if they have something-Did you look in Westminster stuff for the prints out the outer part. xoxo see you soon. xoxo

  2. I found's a Riley Blake fabric and I haven't been able to find the yardage needed for what I have in mind. Thankfully the baby's Mom has decided that she likes something else better!
