Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bicoastal VQA

I'm so excited about our decision to have a virtual quilt along! It's going to be so much fun seeing the same quilt made up and how different they will be. I saw our chief inspirer, aka Patty Cline, last Friday at the Quilt Expo that she puts on every year in Columbia and told her about how she had motivated us to do a VQA. Maybe we can find a way to share pictures of our finished projects with her.
The other day I got all of my fabric together.....
 I know what you're thinking.....are those snowmen???? Yes they are and I'm not certain about them yet but the colors are perfect for the fabric I already have.
Then I cut out everything I would need. As you know, when I sit down to sew, I don't want to have to get up and down to cut more! I finally got a chance to sew a little yesterday. It's been Grand Central Station around here lately and I haven't had much sit down and sew time. My machine was calling my name! Instead of chain piecing all the parts together in order, I made one of each block. I'm like that, I just wanted to see what they would look like.
So far, so good.
I'm hoping to get in a little stitching time today.
Now it's your turn. Show me what you've done!

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