Hi Friend!
It's hard to believe so much time has passed since you were here! Where does it go??
The class you took with John Flynn sounds (and looks) amazing. I was so inspired just looking at the pictures. I'm sorry I wasn't there to race with you. Any man who carries a seam ripper around in his pocket has got to be a keeper! Show me your quilt tops! Thanks for not getting me the t-shirt. You know me well!
Here's what I know after having you come visit.....walking 6++ miles is way easier with you by my side. I've been out there in the heat trying my best but time doesn't go by as quickly as when I'm talking to you. I'm planning on doing the LoCo Motion in September and that's 10 miles a day for 3 days. Laura, my sister, and Julie are going to do it with me so hopefully there will be lots of talk and bonding.
It is so blasted hot here and it is summer so we have had lots of guests and that's what I'm blaming my lack of progress on. I've started Claire's quilt and the fabrics are going to be just gorgeous together. All the fabric is cut. Now I just need to sew it together.
I'm trying hard to be totally random with the fabrics...it's been a little hard to do.
Because it's been so hard to focus I wanted a brainless thing to do so I made a selvedge edge tote bag.
I have a couple of friends that have been saving the selvedges off the fabric that they are cutting up for me. It was fun picking them out to put on the bag. It's almost like a memory bag because I can remember each fabric and sometimes where I got it. Can you see the little pink strip with the VW on it? This all started after we had gone to a shop down in Jacksonville and I commented on some projects that they were showing using selvedges. When they started giving me their selvedges it was a challenge and I can't turn down a challenge. Now, if I can get my act in gear, I might make them one since they are being so diligent about saving the selvedges for me.
I've been knitting..
I just finished this. It felt good to actually finish something.
Let's plan our virtual quilt along. The start date needs to be decided on.
I love the quilt..
You are welcome at my house anytime!
Next time we see each other, I give you a lesson on how to use Wonder Under...